Navigating Our Future
Discovering the path to a thriving future in the Salish Sea Bioregion

Welcome to Navigating Our Future, a podcast and community forum series about cultivating thriving communities and nurturing a healthier world for all.
We are currently in hiatus as we are working with the Design School for Regenerating Earth,, and Regenerate Cascadia,, to create a Bioregional Regenerative Learning and Media Center at Fort Worden in Port Townsend, WA. Updates on this work will be noted on this site as we move forward with this work.
We’ll dive into the challenges that we face as a society — and their devastating effect on life, if not addressed now. Through our podcast, you will meet leading experts – visionaries, scientists, social entrepreneurs, storytellers, activists, and educators – engaged in this transformational work and who will inform and inspire you. They will address challenges around our worldview, food security, health and wellness, inter-related climate crises, economy, environment and democracy and more as well as our paths to solutions to these challenges.
Although everyone is invited to our conversations, we’ll be focusing primarily on the Salish Sea Bioregion. Around nine million people live in this region, an intricate network of inland marine waterways, which encompasses the greater Vancouver-Seattle area. With a shared passion for our region, we hope to work together to chart a path to a thriving future for all life, beginning at the grassroots level.
We hope you find these conversations informative and inspiring. We also hope that they encourage you to share your voice, passion and gifts toward making the Salish Sea Bioregion a vital, resilient, regenerative and flourishing place for all of life — now and into the future. We are grateful you are here, and welcome you on this journey into the future.
With appreciation,
The Navigating Our Future Team

© Bob Friel/Seahawk Creative
land acknowledgment statement
We, the Navigating Our Future team and community, humbly acknowledge the Salish Sea bioregion is the traditional territories of the Straits Salish, Coast Salish and other indigenous peoples in the region. We resolve to bring indigenous voices and wisdom to the forefront as we strive to become better steward of the land and its history.
Find out about the native land you inhabit here, and learn more about the tribal lands in Washington state here.